It is that time of the year again when many of you are preparing to transition out of your roles as Chapter Executives and help usher in new teams that will lead your Chapters for the 2022/2023 year. Even if you are staying in your current role, this guide will help you think through some of the key benchmarks you should hit to ensure your Chapter has a smooth transition period.
First - think through where you can find students who would be a good fit for leadership positions. With most universities still not fully back on campus we know many of you are struggling with sourcing some new faces for your vacant executive positions. Still, there is immense potential in using the resources available to you to make a call for applications. Reach out to your Professors and ask if you could drop by their live virtual classes and make an announcement that you are looking to fill in some leadership positions. Be sure to have an email or suitable contact method handy so they can reach out to you and express interest. Utilize the shareability of social media by creating posters and sharing them on your social media handles and asking fellow clubs and societies on campus to share your posters as well. This will widen the reach of your posts and broaden the number of potential applications you could receive. When thinking about roles like Chapter President, talk to the executives that are already on your team! As they know the ins and outs of running an EWB Chapter they will have an easier time transitioning into this leadership role.
No matter what - transparency is key. Whether you source leaders internally or externally it is important to ensure that whoever lands the position is selected in an honest and transparent manner. When more than one person expresses interest in a position Chapters can ensure the selection process is fair by running an election and ensuring that the Chapter collectively decides and is on-board with the new leadership. With this process in place you should be on track to fill in those positions between April/May.
Facilitating the process by filling in the handover template - As you select the new leadership, you can support the next team of leaders by making a copy of this guide and filling it out. This will ensure that the 2022-2023 team is well informed about the Chapter’s banking information, on-campus resources and key contacts. Prepping the incoming team with this information will set them up for success!
Lastly - notifying National Office - Once your Chapter President(s) have been selected be sure to let National Office know! Have them register by filling out the Membership Form on Wix and get them amped up for our upcoming Leadership Summit from May 13th - May 16th, 2022.